Chloe Atchue-Mamlet is a graphic design and interactive digital media student in Philadelphia, PA.

She loves design, writing, Netflix, and Amy Poehler, and is often the most eager person in the room.

About the Site

I coded this site myself as a way to start learning front-end development, and I intend to improve it as I continue to learn. Front-end development has grown from a necessity to an interest through the creation of this site. I used Jekyll and Github Pages, Sass as the CSS preprocessor, and Neat for the grid system. The typefaces are Alegreya Sans and Helvetica.

View on Github


In 2015 I blogged for 5027mac, the Drexel University news and culture blog. Here are a few selected posts from my time there.

Jacket Required: Why the Book Cover Matters

The Pun Also Rises

The Constructed Languages of Game of Thrones

Drexel's New Art History Major

Inner Monologue of Someone Who's Not Sleeping Tonight



Drexel University, Westphal College of Media Arts and Design

Expected B.S. in Graphic Design, minor in Interactive Digital Media, 2018

Work Experience

Lead Designer, 1/16-present

Graphic Designer, Health Promotion and Wellness, University of Chicago 12/13-8/14

Marketing Intern, Court Theatre 10/13-8/14

Full resume