Blog Posts

Thoughts on design, art school, and front-end development

An Overview of the Fourth Quarter of My Second Year at Design School

An Overview of the Third Quarter of My Second Year at Design School

My Identity as a Thinker, Writer, and Designer

An Overview of the Second Quarter of My Second Year at Design School

An In-Depth Look at the Logo Design Process

An Overview of the First Quarter of My Second Year at Design School

What Else Can I Do?

In Progress by Jessica Hische: A Review

Dont Make Me Think by Steve Krug: A Review

Organizing My Font Collection

An Overview of My Third Quarter at Design School

An Overview of My Second Quarter at Design School

An Overview of My First Quarter at Design School

Changing Jekyll's Default Syntax Highlighting

I Learned Graphic Design by Being in an A Cappella Group

How To Get Crisp Edges with the CSS Blur Filter

Using Jekyll: A Design Student Dives Into Front-End Development